TRANSATLANTIC VIDEO WALKS - a series of works based on footage from
a stay in Argentina and Uruguay in 2005.

The work deals with the artist’s role as both an observer and a participant.
595 miles_from_the_congress.jpg
595 MILES FROM THE CONGRESS - a road movie with a number of footage from traveling distance 
Buenos Aires-Pampas 2005
See video extracts 

These works is about being an observer of something from a hidden position, not knowing what is going on, and not knowing what will happen. In these strange, dark urban surroundings, the human histories are hidden, but the feeling that something interesting and mysterious is going on, stays in mind. Do they know each other; are they connected in some way? The 3 parts can be seen as one story but the connections you have to find out yourself. 

Exhibited in variabel editions at:
2018 Container, USF Verftet, curated by Maria Øy Lojo, Bergen  
2008 Video tour,6 artists, produced by HKS, Kabuso, Nordheimsund
2008 B-open, open artist studios, Bergen
2007 TransAtlanticVideoWalks, Centro Municipal de Expsiciones SUBTE, 
curated by Santiago Tavella, Montevideo UY
2006 European contemporary video/short film show, 
curated by Mediaverkstedet and Apekosmonautene, KunstIBadet, Bergen